There are several ways to buy the book

You can buy an autographed copy directly from Paul. 

The price is $12.79 including sales tax. If Paul needs to ship you one copy, add $3.  Additional copies are $12.79 each plus $1 for shipping of each additional book. Mail a check made out to:

Paul Heacock
11538 South Carriage Road

Olathe KS 66062
If you want to pay by credit card, call Paul at 913-707-7079.

The publisher, Trafford Publishing, has the book for sale here: 

You can also order through your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer. 
978-1-4907-3019-6 (Soft Cover ISBN) SKU-000692271 
978-1-4907-3021-9 (eBook) SKU-000692272

About the Book

BASIC Relationship and Leadership Strategies summarizes the leadership and personal relationship lessons learned by Paul as a business leader, marriage partner, and parent of two daughters, as well as grandparent of one precious little girl.

Paul offers the BASIC acronym as a tool to remember and use the commonsense ideas that appear throughout the work.

  • B (there are two Bs)—understanding behavior and keeping a balance in our
              personal and professional lives.
  • A is for begin each circumstance anew.
  • S means be situational.
  •  I stands for watch the I.
  • C (there are three Cs)—improve communication, handle people with care, and use
    ​           your common sense.

Specifics from the book include how the book came to be and some key lessons learned including:



You need it when you feel the personal and professional relationships that matter most to you could be more fulfilling and enjoyable.

You get a massive amount of practical, real-world, proven wisdom and knowledge on self-improvement and leadership summarized in a concise, memorable, and actionable format.

So that you get along better with the important people in your life allowing you to become more effective in all the roles you play.

  • Why some people act the way they do.
  • The Greatest Management Principle in the World.
  • Reducing stress in your professional and business life.
  • Being the “senior partner” in your relationships with others.
  • How to win arguments with your spouse and others.
  • Making the essential transition to leadership.
  • The role of parents as leaders.
  • Listening better and communicating more clearly.
  • The power of “care” in all relationships.
  • The important role of common sense in all relationships.
The Book